My Story, My Life

Oh well, that's life!?!?

Friday, August 26, 2005


Blogging has become such a chore for me. It just seems that I have lost interest in everything that I am doing. Never in my life I feel myself procrastinate more than now. Even the things that I am once interested, doesn't seems to appeal to me anymore!

Perhaps environment really will change a person, or maybe this is the way that we learn; the way that we grow up. So many things has happen recently, not to me at least (man! I think I need to grab a life! Need something to spice things up a little). Anyway, that's not the point, this is the first time I see so many unhappiness, some people trying hard to get in, some people trying hard to get out and definitely some people getting lost in it.

If you have no idea what is it, you have never been there. What can give you happiest and agony all at the same time except for "Love".

This truely is an complicated issue. This "Love" thing is really a weird thing, I reckon. Those people without it will look high and low for it, and whereas people with it want to be out of it? And I think, the worst part is to get lost in it. What is the thing in "Love" that causing so much insanity around?

Let me try to list out something. Kind of silly of me but what the heck. ;p

Let's try by listing the reason why people want in.
  1. Raging Hormones. I think this occupy a major part of the reason. I reckon most of the people are just plain itchy right? Perhaps this might also be the reason why they are so many cases of abortion and single parents. Is there any ways to curb this? I don't know. You tell me, cause I believe prostitution is wrong. I'll take my stand that I am not in this category!

  2. Loneliness. This I guess will be the wrong reason for people to fall in love. Loneliness doesn't mean you need a gf/bf, it means you seriously need a LIFE urgently! And most likely loneliness will lead back to the first point, Raging Hormones. Maybe you will tell me you got no friends, you got no this, no that. I will fuck you upside down, understand? (not literally) You have been born with a brain not a coconut, if you are able to hook yourself up with a gf/bf, you will be able to make friends. Don't crap that you are not close to them or what fuck shit, how close you want to be? Your friends are always there, just that you don't appreciate them that's all.

  3. Boredom. Something similar to loneliness just that this time round you got your life, your friends, your world. You are just getting sick of all this, you need somethings to spice up your life right? If this is the reason, will you dump your other half once you got sick of him/her? I'd say, go rear some fish! Eat them when you get sick of them, better this way. You have your boredom resolve and your appetite satisfied.

  4. Experience. All first timers will fall into this category automatically. As they said, if you never try, you will never know. So what if you know? What do you get in return? The saying goes, "If it ain't broken, don't break it.". Figure out yourself.

  5. Guilt. This will be the stupidest reason known in mankind history! Just because someone who is showing care and concern for you doesn't mean that you have to be with him/her. Doesn't mean that if he/she were to do something so great and enormous to touch you means that you must be with him/her. You are not doing charity! I mean I make my donations to red cross every month, the money must have touched someone life, does it mean that he/she will be indebt to me forever?

  6. Care and Concern. If you are looking for someone to care and concern about you, you are just simply in love with yourself. I'd suggest you go kill yourself! And if you want to show care and concern to other people, I'd strongly recommend you to become a volunteer. The world needs lots of people like you.
Hehe. I guess the reasons to fall in love has just become the reasons to not fall in love. But if you are really determine, those reasons are definitely why people are falling for it, cause I am also one of them but definitely not the first point!

Ok, now for the reasons to get the hell out of it.
  1. Freedom. Don't you just love it when you can do anything you want whenever you want? When is it the last time when you do something that you truely want without bothering the opinions of others? If you feel like you are a killer on parole then you should just let your killer instinct roam.

  2. Suffocation. Can't breath? You should know if you are having this. You need to breath! Don't even ponder anymore.

  3. Sex Slave. You could be enjoying every seconds of it, BUT IT IS NOT HEALTHY!! He/she is not respecting you at all, do not wait!

  4. Abuse. Please! It's not worth it, not even worth me talking about it.

  5. Unhappiness. Not happy for one or two days is not an issue, but not happy for months is a problem! I think if you are not happy, you are either too demanding or giving too much, do some soul searching.

  6. Compromise. This can be a really good thing, but too much of anything is never good. Compromise too much means that the other half love himself too much, in other words, fuck care about him/her.

  7. Stranger. You would have my respect if you were to reach this stage without anything dramatic experience. The two of you are behaving like a stranger with the occasionally hi byes thingy, most probably, you two require professional conselling. Or maybe an appointment with the shrink.
Enough said, the list will never end! I guess this is how innocent it is for people to want to fall in love and how evil it is for people who are already in it. Didn't know there were so many reason behind such a simple yet wonderful thing.

Cheer up people! At least you still have me to write craps for you to read! Insomia really is getting into me.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Emotional Imbalanced everywhere.

First, my deepest condolences to Thomas and David. Their grandma passed away on 11 August 2005. The pain of losing love ones when you are in a foreign country is definitely greater than when you are near them.


For the past weeks, I've been looking around to find something that interests me and for me to blog about. I saw this article in about this girl -TristeFemme- who got pregnant and got ditched by her boyfriend shortly after he found out about the pregnancy.

She has removed her blog this morning, after sheer volume of traffic from readers and probably from other blogs that linked her.

Here's some of it that's been cache by Google and Yahoo.

And I believed the main reason for her actions is probably the senseless comments on who should bear more responsibility. I would said F U all. She write her blog neither to gain sympathy nor asking opinion on who is right or wrong. I think she just need an avenue for her vent out her anger and frustration, to keep herself from going insane.

It nice to see there are a lot of people who send heartwarming wishes asking her to stay strong and brave, but to those people who leave comments such as, she is trying to seek attention, to gain sympathy, to take revenge against her SAF Merit Scholar boyfriend and stuff like that. Who the hell are you to judge them? Are you really that perfect that you have done nothing wrong before?

"For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you."

I suddenly remember a scene from "Passion of Christ", but not clearly enough to write down the whole scene. From my memory, Jesus, drew a line on the ground, and asked the people who were throwing stones at the lady for some sin that she has commit. (Cannot remember what is it. If you know, let me know, k?) Jesus then ask those peopl who are throwing stones at her, that are they sinless that they are able to judge her. (I might be wrong, correct me.) (btw, i'm not christain.)

Since this is already a one-sided story, what is there to judge? I've read some of the article, e.g. yuhui and some others which I don't have the link. (Do a search for "unwanted pregnancy" or "tristefemme" in, and you find lots of things about it) I am not saying that yuhui is right or wrong, but I think even if TristeFemme is trying to take revenge it's none of our business. In contradiction, I'm poking my nose into yuhui blog. I'll apologise if I sound a little offending to anyone.

Some nice encouraging blog for her. If you remember, I've mention her before in my previous entries.

What provoke me into writing all these craps, I think I seriously kuan buei qi those guys who wants to fuck around and don't dare to take any responsibility. Hope that one day, you will tio STD and die alone. (What an evil curse!)


Now for another closer to my heart issue. These few days I saw a lot of my friends taking the emotional rollercoaster. It's really heartwrenching for me to see them behaving this way.

To me the friends that I have make here, are really like family to me. These are the people whom I talk to, whom I lived with, whom I eat with, whom I will be willing to share my joy with

If keeping the problems or worries will make you feel better, then I will give u my support.

"For surely there is a hereafter, and your hope will not be cut off."

You know better than I do, if one day you decide to share, I will be the first one to volunteer.

If you are reading this, I'm sure you know who you are.. :)