Disappearing Act
Sorry people it has really been a long time since I last blogged. It really have been an eventful week, assignments, projects, practicals, tutorials, you name it and I have work on it! Anyway, right now I'm trying something new! I'm Blogging from my lecture on my phone. It's a little slow to type out everything using the super small keypad and super tiny screen!
Today lecture is on java servlets, currently teaching on how to send a request using html. Kinda boring right? I agree, and I have to go through it! Lecture hall is cold! I need body warmth, any volunteers?
This semester back, I have become closer to some friends and sadly some have distance themselves from me. Is it some thing that I've done? I doubt so. Anyway it doesn't really matter to me cause it just tell me what type of person you are, maybe I'm wrong on judging you, proof me otherwise.
This lecture is really torturing, 30mins into it and I can see people napping, some "praying" to the lecturer (read: nodding off). Cool! A guy just walk off, that should proof my point of how I am been tortured! Where's the break?! I DEMAND FOR A BREAK!! Stop talking already!

Oh! Have I mention that I have lost weight. Don't need to envy, it will be easy if you are having one meal per day! It's definitely not a healthy way, soon, I'll be left with skin and bones. I'm out of ideas to write!
Something to ponder on. If given a chance to ask one question to one person, who would you ask and what would you ask?