My Story, My Life

Oh well, that's life!?!?

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Away for the weekend.

HAPPY!! Going for diving again for the weekend.

When I come back I will be a certified Advance Diver means that more dive for me. Guess I am addicted to diving. Such an expensive hobby to pick up, keep burning holes in my pocket. I reckon this time round there won't be any underwater pictures for you guys to enjoy because it is just so expensive to rent one.

I will be heading to Moreton Islands to dive, do a google search on it if u want to know more. I post more stuff about the trip when I come back on sunday evening.

Oh ya, got my 2 of my results back for my mid-sem exams. Pretty satisfied with my result, if I were to continue to work hard I think I can score well for my exams and that will be another month away.

So for now it's the holidays for me!! Whee~~~~~~!!!!!!!!

For those expecting me, I will be going back on the 18 Nov!! HIPPPEEEE!!! Can't wait.

That's all for now, got to catch some sleep.. bb.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Incoming Hostile, Clear to engage.


Thursday, September 15, 2005

I'm back

As promise I am suspose to write 5 entries right? This will be the first one of the 5.
Guess I do fine in my exams/tests, if you are wondering.

Haven't really got any ideas to blog on, but these might me some topics.
  1. Memories and past. (Have to write this for Mak. He seem very lost now. Let me give him my two cents worth.)
  2. Fireworks. (lots of pictures coming along.)
  3. How about the two bloggers who have been charge?
Oh man, no more ideas. Any one want to know about how I feel about things? Come come, give me some ideas.

erm.. I shall delicate this entry to my junior junior radar spec 3SG Perry Koh Han Min, unfortunately, he has passed away. Click on his name for the newspaper article.

My deepest Condolences to his friends and family.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Be Right Back..

Sorry to keep you guys waiting.

Mid semester exams are here!! Going crazy about it!! I promise 5 continous entry spam over 6 days after my exam ok? Please do keep visiting. :)

Tue 13/09/05 - INFS3200 Advance Database System
Wed 14/09/05 - INFS2200 Relational Database System
Wed 14/09/05 - COMS3100 Introductions to Communications

For now, wish me lots of luck, ok?

Miss you guys. ;รพ