Finally a break from a hectic life..
HALOZ PPL!! it's me again.. i know it has been a while since i last blog, i wonder how come got no one ask me if i'm still alive?? isn't there someone in this world who is bother about anything? anyway i wonder how many people came and read my blog?? :P
hmm.. lets have a test.. can everyone who came in to read my blog leave a message (which you can find at the left bottom of the screen..) or comments (which you can do it by clicking on the comments link at the end of the blog entry..).
for all my fans out there(hmm.. if you exist..), if you are wondering what took me so long to blog out something.. well, one reason will be, I AM SUPER BUSY FROM THE HECTIC LIFE OF UNI!! and the other is, i got nothing interesting to tell u people.. everything has become so rountine.. wake up, school, study, eat, daily chores, study, sleep.. feel kinda miserable.. and one more thing will be, i am someone who is very bad in time management, i find that time always just through without me noticing..
a little update of me, i am now having my mid sem break, that means one whole freaking week of holiday, you might be thinking "shiok" right?? well, not really, because after the break will be test, and deadline of everything. i think i will probably just die when the holidays are over.. so don't be surprise that this blog were to become stagnant..
ok for the past few days i have been enjoying a little, but seems like things are not going really that smoothly. i went to Surfers' Paradise, Gold Coast. intention of going there is to enjoy the beach right?? and probably become "beach" boys, and watch all the bikini babes running around right?? BUT.. it rain!! not that drizzle type of rain, but it's a FREAKING thunderstorm!!! (FYI rainning in Australia is very rare, needless to say thunderstorm.)
so in the end, no "beach" boys, no bikini babes, no nothing.. a little more to add to all the agony.. before gold coast, i went "crabbing" (catch crab, not talk crap..) and sadly, no crabs that night, so been a typical kiasu Singaporean, we decide to leave the cage submerge for the night and collecting the next day.. but we did not, so leaving it for one more night.. so on the third night, we went down, we have 2 cages, sad thing is 1 was stolen, the other was stuck in the sea bed, pulling only cause the line to snap.. so at the end of the whole weekend, nothing was gained.. SAD!!
some photos for u guys to enjoy, oh ya next blog i will intro you guys to a girl.. don't know why, keep pestering me to blog somthing about her.. hmm.. think will be quite hilarious!! stayed tune!!
picture taken at a lake in uni, it has lots of ducks, geese and other birds. so whenever our bread turn mouldy we will feed it.. and they(those birds) will come chasing after you for the food..

Welcome to Surfers' Paradise!

this is hw gloomy the sky is.. not a good day for beach.. have i mention that it's so freaking cold that i am shivering a little?? and the worst things is that the ppl i went wif r all couples, all of them hugging each other for body warmth.. only me shivering alone.. hai... SAD Sad sad.... :( bad weather so never take much pictures..

they have very very nice beach.. kinda miss the waves..

preview for the next blog entry.. wanna know what is it?? stay tuned, hmm, or should i say come back for more...