My Story, My Life

Oh well, that's life!?!?

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I wonder will I get sued for this?

Since I got complain for not blogging, then I shall just write something now.

You must be wondering why there's a apology blog? It's there cause I make one of my housemate super super pissed off. Since it's my fault then I just apologise, that's why. Now the time is 2.44pm in Brisbane and yet I have not taken my brunch! These few weeks has been really really busy, not don't have time to eat, just that I don't remember eating. Just too preoccupied with the things I have to do!

Last week was quite a bad week, I remembered a power tripped causing me to lose 70% of my assignment to dissappear into thin air an hour before it's due! You can imagine how I scream like a girl! But anyway it's already over, so no point crying over spill milk!

So anyway, I was reading Mr Brown blog and came across this article about singapore education. Apparently, someone who is studying oversea wrote to him about how screw up our education system is! And I think I have to agree to it totally!! For those who hasn't had the chance of an alternative education, here's what is it about.

In Singapore, maybe for my case, I was spoonfed all the way from kindergarden to Polytechnic! Whatever the teacher or lecturer speak is about how it would appear in exams. I think I can safely said that if you were to pay close attention to classes and lecture, most likely you will be able to attempt the papers in the exam. Although I still prefer the spoonfed method, it's just makes my life easier! As you know I'm not a very hardworking person!

Whereas, over here in australia, what the lecturers talk about is the theory behind it. They will actually quote real life example of how things is suspose to work. They will want you to understand the concept of things. You will also notice that it's people from the western countries that is asking question and debating about issues. But only to singaporeans, we will just go nodding our head!!

The other article from Mr Brown is about Singapore Casino!(You have to download the mp3, it's their conversation to it!) It's quite hilarious about how Singapore make it sure a way that there is no Casino! Contradicting right? They called it Integrated Resort! You see there's no Casino in any of it!

So Mr Brown and gang was mentioning that Singapore should might as well integrate a brothel into it! And the best part, the brothel will be run by NTU'see' (For foreigners, NTUsee is our Trade Union! Go search the internet). So the brothel been part of NTU'see' must have a nice name right? For taxi in singapore we call it COMFORT, then the brothel shall be named as COMFORT WOMEN!

So everytime when you visit the brothel, the pimp or prostitue will ask, "ni shi member mah?" (translating : Are you a member?) So you can top up your link points, then maybe you can change your link point for condoms, viagra etc.

Imagine this, on the right u have Casino(opps, Singapore got no casino, only "Intergrated Resort"), the left you will have a brothel, and the middle you can find yourself a NTUC supermarket!

Remember Singapore is a hub!


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