Time flies!!
Why is it time always flies away when you least expected it? Don't seems to be able to get my life up to date, there's always been something that I have yet to be done. Feel really really tiring.
This has been a week full of dissappointments, at least dissappointments from my academic areas. Remember that I had an mid-sem paper a few weeks ago? Well, didn't really manage to score well for it and to add to the agony, the weightage for the test is rather heavy, so that means I have to put in extra more effort for my studies!
Then it was the stupid JAVA assignment, spend almost the whole week not sleeping and trying to get it working, (this really makes me HATE java big big time) and in the end I have to submit something that is only partial working. And I think I need to go for anger management for my anger whenever I do programming, especially when things wasn't going my way. I will always have the urge to just pick up the monitor and throw it out through the window! And so fortunately and unfortunately, my monitor is the CRT type, so it's really heavy.
Hmm.. Spoke to Liting on the phone a few nights ago, as her birthday was coming and as you know I have memory of a goldfish, so I have to wish her an early birthday just incase that I forgot that she exists. I think I have not talk to her for a very long time, cannot even remember when was the last time that I chat with her over the phone. Think all this while I really have been neglecting a lot of people. It was a really joyful talk with her, hmm.., I guess she sort of lifted a little of my stress away, but I still prefer those moments where people just magically call me at the right time, right moment and talk to me *Hint Hint*. You know those moments when you really needed someone, moments that you feel really lost. Oh ya, Liting birthday's is on the 26 April, and I think (If I did not remember wrongly) I need to write an blog entry about her. Do not know if I have the time or strength to do it?
Draft exam timetable are out, the bad thing, ALL MY PAPERS ARE SO CLOSED TOGETHER!!! I have 1 paper on the 17th, 2 on the 18th (1 in the morning and 1 in the evening) and the last one on the 21st! I think I will definitely die of exhaustion by 21st! So people I need your help to help me pray for a better timetable! I really can't survive this ridiculous timetable! Please pray for me, be it you are christian, catholic, muslim, taoist, or the latest cockcroach god! Just pray for me for a better one k? I'm thanking you in advance! THANKS!!
But the good thing is that I'll be free from the 21st onwards! So those people that wants to see me or wants to come over for tour, it's time to make your reservation with the travelling agency and me, REMEMBER limit vacancies, and works on first come first serve basis! So it's time to dig out whatever money you have and head to the travel agency!
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