My Story, My Life

Oh well, that's life!?!?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Gossips Gossips Gossips.

I don't know why am I typing this at 4 in the morning! 2 more weeks before start of SwotVac, this can only mean that I have tons of assignments and reports due!

Anyway, this is not the reason that I am blogging! Recently a lot of gossips has been spreading around, I am not an idiot, I have my own eyes to see even if I am very far away!

Having, I would say, lots of experience this won't affect me much, I don't even care if it's real or fake, but normally a gossip will involve other parties! So what I am more worried is the involvement of other parties.

I dare say I have lost quite a number of friends to senseless gossiping, I hope this won't happen again.

However, if gossips are targeted at me only, feel free to shoot all you want. I would be more than happy if it keep you entertained. Life is boring.

Basket! Feeling damn drowsy! Good Night people! Miss you lots!!!

I'll be back in exactly 1 more month! Whee~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!


Blogger juliana said...

hey Jk.. nobody here gossips about you.. in fact, they care alot abt you.. yes, you should open your eyes and see or ears to hear.. because what you will be hearing will be concern words abt you but never gossips.. dun worry.. you'll never lose a friend here.. well, at least for me... dun worry or dwell too much in it ya... As long as you kn ow what you are doing.. we'll be behind you, supporting whatever decisions you make!! =)

2:46 PM GMT+8  
Blogger nerdblogger said...

silly.. was i toking abt u all?

2:56 PM GMT+8  

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