OMG!! I am such a good Procrastinator. (Super long post!!)
Procrastination is the deferment or putting-off of an action or task, usually by focusing on some other distraction (compare temporisation). It is Latin for "foremorrowing," or making some such of tomorrow.
I feel nobody can act out this word better than I do. Winter break has come and go, and I have yet to accomplish anything that I am susposed to do during this break. There're so many entries that I failed to write down, for example my Cairns (read as: 'Cans', not 'Canes') trip. Arrggghhh.. What the heck. Lets do the Cairns trip now.
Cairns Trip, 14 July - 20 July
13th July - Almost all packed up and ready to go? I doubt so..
This picture was taken in the wee hours of the 14th July morning (read as: a few hours before my flight to Cairns). Well, been a very good procrastinator, and distraction from LAN Gaming (I LOVE WARCRAFT!!), I failed to manage my time properly!!

14th July - Surprisingly, I still manage to squeeze everything into 2 bags and run off to the airport. NB. Due to the warcraft addict in me, I need not sleep at all.
Now, there you have it, 2 zombie trying to take their pictures.

This was the "resort" that I am staying in, can't expect any much with the amount that we are paying, we have this whole room to ourselves.

I must tell you, how boring Cairns is without any activity. You know what they said, a picture tells a thousand words. WARNING! The pictures below contains EXTREME BOREDOM!

What happen to the beach? Or does it has a beach in the 1st place??

City? I called this kampong.

I don't know what this memorial tower is about. My bad, I should have turn the photo before I upload.

Too much time and too much energy. Can't resist the temptations of the chin up bar, NS has drive me crazy (read: Brainwashed).

Even the dog feel the boredom.

End of a very boring day, WANNA SLEEP LIAO!!! Did not sleep for 2 days.
15 July - After a night without distractions from the computer, I have a really nice sleep.
Woke up to a very exciting day, this is the day where I will learn how to scuba dive!! I think scuba is definitely under-rated, breathing underwater is so amazing!! It's a out of this world experience, you really have to try it to know.
Not having to try snorkelling before, I have little or no trust at all from breathing through the regulator. The moment I went underwater, and after a few breathe from the ultra dry air cylinder, I am very surprise that it really work!! After that, there's no doubt I feel like a fish. Or perhaps a mer'servant? (Mermaid is for female right? What's for a male?)
They day passed by quickly learning all the tricks in the pool.
Oh have I mention that my friend who is susposed to take the scuba course with me, didn't do the course because of some medical reasons. Sigh, a great pity. And I am just so fated that after numerous (read: more than a year) months of planning, I still have to do the course alone. Sigh..
Anyway, I LOVE SCUBA!!

7.50am Shot of the resort signboard.

Dive Classroom, we have to study theories as well, fortunately it's watching DVDs. Oh, we have tests too.

Cairns Night Market, we actually planned not to go this place in the first night just in case we have nothing else to do on the second night! And fortunately, we did it. Yes, it's really that boring!!

Souveniors make of glass, which I intend to get for all my readers, but too bad, you never let me know your existence. A picture is better than nothing lah hor. ;p

Aboriginal Art. More souveniors??
16 July - Sigh. No more pictures for the next 3 days. :( I have surrender my camera to my friend, 'cause as say previously, he is not able to continue with course, so as a very nice guy I am, I lend him my camera.
Anyway, this day is tiring!! The 200m swim and 10 min treading water. And thanks for not excersing for so long, I think I almost drown myself during the 10 min tread. Fortunately, I manage to scrape through the torturing 10 mins.
But it is only after this, that I discover scuba is the laziest sport, sleeping is not a sport right? Sleeping will win if it was a sport.
Another boring night to live through.
17 July - Woah!! No more diving in the boring pool!! Great Barrier Reef, here I come!! Lesson in the reef has proved to be too distracting, there are too many things worth looking, you do not want to waste time doing all the underwater drills.
It's really is the most interesting classroom that I ever went to. How I wish that I can just be below for a really really long time. Infact the only period where I want to get to the surface is actually when I am low on air, even the coldness of the water is not able to get me out of the water.
Two training dive for the day, is definitely not enough! Sigh, the rest of the day is spending time in my live aboard ship meeting new friends.
Sleeping on the ship is so nice. I slept like a baby when my head touch the pillow, the gentle rocking, the crashing of the waves and gentle howling of the wind. SHIOK!!
18 July - Yep. As expected still no pictures. The day that I finally become a certified diver. Think I will post the video of my dive course, definitely is interesting for me but I doubt it will me interesting without my narration of the video.
My fifth and final dive, which is the first official dive as a certified dive is better than any other dive, gone were drills that we try mastering! And hello to all the fishes and corals!
To make it more interesting, I saw a total of 7 sharks!! 1 whitetip reef sharks and 6 grey reef sharks! The first that comes to my mind when I see the sharks was the theme music from the movie JAWS. Dum..... Dum..... dum... dum.. dumdum dumdum.. hehe..
Really is an exciting experience that make my heart pump so fast, and making me breath so hard and fast, shortening my dive time.
2 days out in the sea, my body is still rocking even after I am standing on solid ground.
19 July - White water rafting!! After 4 days of been wet, the feeling of getting wet and cold again isn't that great. The water from the river is really freezing cold, something like what you would expect if you were to soak your hands in water full of ice. I am not exaggerating!! Ok maybe a little.
5 hours of rafting? You would expect it to be tiring right? But it's the opposite! The river flow is doing most of the work, so not much of peddling.
I have pictures of my rafting experience but isn't here yet, so I will post the pictures as soon as I get my hands on it!!

My souvenior from the rafting! Ouch! I got this when an alligator try to eat me up, I have no choice but to punch it with my bare hands. If you this is bad, you should see what happen to the alligator, I think it's going to die from starvation unless someone were to bring it to the vet to cure its dislocated jaw.

Well, actually I am stupid enough to knock my fist into the rocks. When the raft bum into it.

My friend trying to show me, she knows kung fu. (Out partying with my new friends)

Chio Bu!!!

Best drinking pal from Germany! Not very sober.

I'm so wasted!! Blame it on the photographer!! Shit I should have take these pictures when I am more sober!!
20 July - Wah!! Finally the last day!! Spend 3 hrs on this blog liao!! After the stupid drinking session the previous night, this day is definitely draggy! Sightseeing at Mossman Gorge (just did a search on what a >gorge is?) and Port Douglas. The Pictures will highlight the interest of the days, which is none?!?! You judge yourselves.

Stones and trees are the only that we saw at Mossman Gorge.

Feels like I am back to my army days! I hate the jungle!!


If you think I am bored, wait till you see her. At least, I have remain sane throughout the ordeal.
She?? Hard to said. (The one who wrote the 'HELP!', she really need help soon.)

Seafood Platter for two for dinner. But this plate definitely is enough to go around for 4 which is what we did. Should have taken down the reaction of the waiter when the four of us order the seafood platter for 2, I think his eyes almost pop out!!

Branding Singaporeans for 'Kiasuism' is not even close to fair! You should see how the queue balloon 20 mins before the check in counter opens. Here's the proof!
WooWoooh!! Finally I finish this!!
Lots more pictures in flickr link. I neber blog about the underwater pictures that I took but it doesn't need much narration, it's all fishes and corals, don't ask me whats the name of the species, I can answer some but not all!
Here's the link
More coming soon, I've reach the limit of this month bandwidth of uploading the pic.
3.5 hours on this entry!! I'm too free!!
y u eat gal's tou fu ?? eat already never jio me somemore, hai ....
dun tell ppl u know me okie ??
JK, seems like u had a nice vacation thr! So envy! Licensed scuba-diver hor? anyway, i think u lost weight.. eat more will ya!!
yann, u r the 1st to said i lose weight leh.. i think i've put on weight leh..
especially this period, where winter is cold, n u tend to eat alot..
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