My Story, My Life

Oh well, that's life!?!?

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Random thoughts

Well it has been almost a week since I'm back to Singapore. Ever since I'm back I have been rather busy meeting up with friends and of course with all the foods that I have missed.

Singapore has changed a lot during my 9 months stay in Australia, everything really has changed even the people, the soul, EVERYTHING. I remember the day I left for Australia, I really left with a heavy heart. It's definitely heavier than the first time I left for Australia. Reasons for the heavy heart? I guess it's the broken heart that I am mending. It really took me a lot of time and with a lot encouragement from good friends.

I am really happy that I have met some really good friends. Hmm.. A strange feeling just overwhelmed me. Guess that I really appreciate their existence. Thank you friends.


Initially, I was a little afraid of coming back to Singapore. Not because of the changes in Singapore but more towards the memories I have for her. It's not that I don't want to let go, it's just that I am left with so many unanswered questions and doubts. Although I still pretty much want to know the answers to the questions, I guess I'll just have to leave it to fate.


Went out with a friend today, she seems rather troubled by her BGR problem. Got nothing from my constant probing, however, she did mention that what I see is the tip of the ice berg. Of course I understand that, who don't? When dealing with BGR, it's never possible for a single issue to snowball into something bigger. That's not the point.

What surprised me is by the question she put across to me. She asked me what is the worst thing that she could have done? After probing, I still did not get any answer from her. (I think I suck at digging out information from people.) She only told me that my opinions on her will change if she were to tell me, I believe my friends can vouch me for this, I don't discriminate friends! That's not the point again!

The point is how bad things could go wrong? I believe people will look down on you if and only if you were to look down upon yourself. There may be a lot of things you have regret doing, but what has been done, has already been done. There's no point in reminding yourself of it, if you don't have the heart to repent your wrong doings. Cut things short, I have only one phrase to offer. Cherish what you have now, but be realistic.


Blogger Pandapig said...

normally gals are like this ... they value how each and everyone looks at them ... perhaps its not more of a looking down on her... but more of opinions... coz i believe in u ... u do have have impression of her... and maybe when she tell you what she did ... u will have a total different impression and that is not call discrimination of friends... more of impression change.... let her... she will tell you when she things its the right time...

As for coming back and seeing changes... everyday something is changing... even ur hair is changing .. maybe today its grows another cm ... or mm that is changes too... do not be scare to face the changes or memories of her... coz w/o them.. there is no you today...

5:03 PM GMT+8  
Blogger nerdblogger said...

u really reckon that i have an impression on her, if that's what u mean.

but for the changes, i realise singapore pace is really really really too fast. the efficiency is making me feel uneasy. hehe.. but i still enjoy every moment of it..

btw how did u manage to find my blog?

4:03 AM GMT+8  
Blogger Pandapig said...

yup... everyone will have an impression on everyone ... if not then she/ he is a hi bye friend.... u are too long in Australia... HELLO !! come back ... u are in Singapore... lol... I was in Austrlia 3 weeks and when i came back to work.. my colleague was asking are you getting old or is my eye playing trick on me ... wahaha ... she means i am walking even more slow and doing things even more slow then usual.... what a friend... lol...

As for finding your blog... DON'T YOU KNOW I HAVE BEEN STALKING YOU.... MUAHAHAHAHA !!!

9:18 AM GMT+8  
Blogger nerdblogger said...

hiak hiak.. *sigh* if i were to have $1 for every person who said they r stalking me, i reckon i'll be pretty rich.

so when can i have my $1 from u? hehe. a little bhb rite? but that's me.. ;p

2:10 PM GMT+8  
Blogger Ris said...

Welcome home!!

12:00 PM GMT+8  
Blogger Pandapig said...

wahaha... no choice... u long time no update blog... time to update liao la... i not in town u bo write .. issit miss me .. wahahha .... give u $ 1.00 how about you give me S$ 1.00 evertime i stalk you....

P.S .... so when u giving me ...

5:05 PM GMT+8  

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