Off to Cairns
Finally figure out how to post pictures into Flickr and link it back to my blog. And there, more pictures from now on.. :)
Did some tweaking in the template codes, I'm surprise that either the bandwidth or something weird was happening from fireangel wasn't enough to support proper display pictures in my blog, that's why you have been looking at empty or broken link.
Didn't really realise it. Anyway thanks to my First Hate Fan - MJ.
These are some comments that he/she (I think it's a she, just a gut feeling) left behind.
At 3:29 AM EST , MJ bitch...
*sigh* what a fantastic (blank?!) blogskin you've got!! maybe you should use your foreskin instead, haha!! and you in IT ?? what a disgrace
At 3:26 AM EST , MJ bitch...
Wish you fail all your exams...

So from tommorrow, 14 July till 20 July, I won't be in front of my computer. (FINALLY!!!)
Had this thing planned long long time ago, well there was some slight changes. The person accompanying me wasn't suspose to be a guy, infact, he wasn't suspose to be in the picture at all. But things have change, and please, I did not change into a gay!

But the bloody "ang mo" type my name wrongly!!! Stupid ass!! There's such a big difference between pressing a 'W' and a 'Y'.

And I bought a new earphone from Phillips for my MP3 player. It has been a long long time since I last use my player, I missed my player so much.
AUD$30 well spend on the earphone, expensive but I hope the comfort and quality is enough cover the price.
Enjoy your trip then , COOL ....
btw MJ Bitch is who ?? so bad leh , no worries mate , i rape her for u if she is a chio bu , wo ha ha ha. If is a pig then save it for yourself , wo ha ha ha . Bitch , i LIKE IT , got sluts or not ???
finally u got wad i meant!
anyway.. be sure to come back in a piece ok?
hope thr'll be lotsa photos frm the trip.. =]
at cairns leaving a msg behind.. :)
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