Cough Cough..
Arrggghhh.. sick liao!! last nite took my temp.. 38C!! but surprisingly today still can come to work alive.. last night i tot i was going to die in my work place.. FYI, i am using my voice to earn money, then the calls that came in last nite was so much.. somemore i kept coughing throughout the whole conversation, of coz the end user do not noe, dun wanna get complain for coughing!! by the time my shift ended i can feel my voice is cracking, feel as if there is a toad in the throat.. *labbit*
why izzit these few daes keep on raining.. rain always remind me of her.. so sad leh.. feel as if got something not completed yet.. doesn't like that feeling..
anywayz, this morning came to work and found out my supp is on MC.. cool man.. the world belongs to me today!! (as if i care if she is around anot..) think there is a lot of virus spreading around the office, everyone is falling sick.. hmm.. if i were to take MC tml, i think a lot of ppl is gonna curse me.. i've got a feeling i will be called back to work for the weekend, but nvm, more work means more money!! best thing is i think i can get OT pay for the weekends.. anywayz since i'm just getting pay for writting blog and surfing net, well jz have to give up a little bit of life tats all..
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